Phase I Industrial research for obtaining raw materials and bio-composite materials at laboratory level - deadline 30.11.2011
Task I.1 Research on primary processing of feathers, wood and plastic waste to be used as feedstock in bio-composite materials.
Task I.2 Technical feasibility study on waste flakes / chicken feathers, including analysis of physical, mechanical and chemical properties of fibers from waste flakes / chicken feathers and optimizing of their properties for compounding.
Phase II Research on specific additives to achieve compatibility in the amorphous state of the two types of materials. Choosing the optimum recipe of the composite material, thermoplastic design technology (extrusion, injection, compression) - deadline 30.05.2012
Task II.1 Technical feasibility study on specific additives to achieve compatibility in the amorphous state.
Task II.2 Design at laboratory level of thermoplastic technology (extrusion, injection, compression).
Phase III Establishment of the specifications and design for extrusion line technology fiber composite materials from waste flakes / feathers and wood dust - deadline 30.11.2012
Task III.1 Technical feasibility study for the design standpoint extrusion line for the technological biocomposites.
Task III.2 Processing methods, jointing and finishing for blanks. Thermoplastic technology laboratory experimentation.
Task III.3 Mold product design activity. Demonstrate product functionality.
Phase IV Product Development - Building panels and profiles based on biocomposites - deadline 30.07.2013
Task IV.1 Technical feasibility studies of thermoplastic technology for realization the finished products for the construction industry.
Task IV.2 Achievement for technical documentation related to obtaining new construction products.
Task IV.3 Effective realization of prototypes and specific tests for certification.
Task IV.4 Bechmarking, socio-techno-economical studies for the approval and implementation of specific market.
Task IV.5 Patent Application for manufactured panels.
Task IV.6 Checking and pilot plant testing for production.
Phase V Economical effects – deadline 19.07.2014
Task V.1 Economical effects.